The wyvern is the dark knights companion. When a dark knight is bonded to his or her wyvern they become one. The Knight can sense what the wyvern is feeling and the wyvern can do the same. Together they are inseperatable. The wyvern will protect the Knight until it lets out its last battle cry. The wyvern itself is a large dragon like creature with a long serpent like neck. It has eyes that resemble pools of black and its mouth is full of razor sharp teeth. The wyvern has two bat like wings that enable it to fly to the Dark Knights aid. On the wyvern's arms and legs are large razor talons that can tear through the thickest armour. It uses these talons to dive at its opponent tearing it to shreds. Just the site of this beast can strike terror into most people.

Wyvern Quest:-> Min lvl: 35

To obtain the wyvern you must seek out the ancient scroll which is housed in an underground tomb. But, the scroll is guarded by a fierce undead beast called the Dracolich.

From the East Gate of Hylar go:


*make sure you go down and east real quick for the Dracolich is down and he hits hard*

now type get scroll and leave to a safe place

When at the safe place type "chant ritual" Congrats you now are bonded to your wyvern!

You can now summon one.  Which one comes to your call is random.
  When they arrive they are very young (25th level), and strained by the
 summons. Its not uncommon that they arrive to you injured slightly.  You
 can cast regenerate on them to solve their health problem.  Type wyvern
 help  for a list of commands that work with them.

The top level for a Wyvern is 100th level. At that point they have a pretty 
good dive ability, and around 15,000 hit points.  In order to advance (or
level) the Wyvern you need to command the wyvern to attack something.  At
first, use your common sense and have him pick on small things.  You will
see a message that says: Your Wyvern can now gain a level, however, it will
not actually gain the level or its advantages (better dive attack and more
hitpoints/better stats) until you dismiss it.  Once you dismiss your Wyvern,
it can not return to you immediately.  Also, if your in the middle of a 
battle, your Wyvern will not leave unless it almost dies, and in that case,
its your bond with it that sends it away, but puts a shock on your system.
(You suffer a temporary stat loss in con) It is possible for your Wyvern to
die completely. This is a tragic thing to have happen. So tragic, not only
do you lose con temporarily, but you also lose 1 from your max lives
(EG: 0(7)  goes to 0(6)) It can be fixed with an extra life spell cast on
you, however, you now must go get another scroll, and try and gain a new
wyvern.  You may get a new type doing this, and it will again be 25th
level.  It is NOT considered correct or right for you to purposely kill
your Wyvern or let it be killed because you don't like its "colour".
Here is a list of them, and damage type they do.


Different Wyverns:

Silver- Air attacks (Removed from Play)
Brown- Poison attacks
Fire attacks
Black- Acid Attacks
Blue- Electric attacks
White- ice attacks
Mottled- Psionic attacks

Wyvern Lore:

_____________________-> Wyvern Lore <-_____________________
Command: Action:
help This screen
sheet Wyverns stats
follow Wyvern follows you
unfollow Wyvern stops following you
protect Wyvern protects you
unprotect Wyvern stops protecting you
kill Wyvern will attack
save Saves current status of Wyvern
dismiss Sends wyvern to its lair
*necessary for wyvern to gain*
*abilities of new levels*
drop Wyvern will drop
eat corpse Wyvern will devour a corpse
name Use once to name Wyvern
dive Wyvern will dive on

**Make sure you add "Wyvern" before each command. Example: Wyvern sheet not sheet**